AFC™ # AFC-7468 , Compatible with Pure N Clean PC6410 Swimming Pool and Spa Filter

EAN: 3703214122878 SKU AFC-7468-686049 Category
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As Low As $27.99 Per Filter!
Price Per Filter
Operating Specifications:
Filter Length: 27"
Square Footage: 115 Square Feet
Outside Diameter: 7"
Open Diameter: 3" Open
OZ Weight PP: 4oz
Pleat Count: 175
Square Footage: 115 Square Feet


Compatible with:

Aladdin 21501
Baleen AK-60432
Clarathon FC0810
Excel XLS-705
Filbur FC-0810
FiltersFast FF-0191
Inyo Pool PL0101
Jandy A0558000
Zodiac R0554600
Leslie’s Pool Supplies 46253
Magnum JA460
Pentair 17-175-3605
Pentair APCC7354
Pleatco PJAN115
Pure N Clean PC0810
Pure N Clean PC6410
Spa Daddy SD-00085
Unicel C-7468
Pure N Clean is a registered trademark of Pure N Clean Company.
Pure N Clean are registered trademarks of their respective holders.
American Filter Company and are not affiliated with Pure N Clean.


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