AFC™ # AFC-GXL , Compatible with GE® SmartWater FQK1R Water Filter for GXK140TNN G system -Made in U.S.A.

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EAN: 3703234112231 SKU AFC-GXL-694182 Category
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As Low As $28.67 Per Filter!
Price Per Filter
Performance of AFC-GXL:
Removes / Reduces: Chlorine, Bad Taste, Odor, Sediment, Rust,and all contaminants down to a 0.5 Submicron level.
Operating Specifications of AFC-GXL:
Filter dimensions: 13.50" x 3.50"
Flow Rate: 1.67 gpm
Micron Rating: 0.5 Micron
Capacity: 6 months / 2000 Gallons
Min & Max Operating Temperature (for cold water use only): 40-100°F (4.4-37.8°C)
Min & Max Operating Pressure: 40-100 psi (276-689 kPa)


This water filter fits the following systems:
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American Filter Company and are in no way affiliated with GE®.
This product is not affiliated with or authorized by GE®.
Install Instructions:
1. Turn off Water Supply.
2. Remove existing filter.
3. Install new filter in head and turn till locked.
4. Turn on Water Supply.
5. Check for leaks.
6. Flush system for 3-5 Minutes.
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